
Your IP:
Country: United States (US)
Region: Ohio
City: Columbus
Time Zone: America/New_York
Latitude: 39.96250
Longitude: -83.00610

ip.222.at provides a public HTTP API for software developers to search the geolocation of IP addresses. It uses a database of IP addresses that are associated to cities along with other relevant information like time zone, latitude and longitude.

You're allowed up to 600 queries per hour by default. Once this limit is reached, all of your requests will result in HTTP 444, forbidden, until your quota is cleared.

The HTTP API takes GET requests in the following schema:


Supported formats are: csv, xml, json and jsonp. If no IP or hostname is provided, then your own IP is looked up.


JSON: https://ip.222.at/json/

JSON (opt. w/ Callback): https://ip.222.at/json/

CSV: https://ip.222.at/csv

XML: https://ip.222.at/xml/